Jean-Christophe M. Monde entier
Project manager
* Knowledge and expertise in banking risks : I have developed agood understanding of risk assessment throughout my bankingexperiences in India, as a commercial officer in Japanese banksin Paris, and since 2007 in Luxembourg as Risk Manager. Theimplementation of dashboards dedicated to the environmental andsocially responsive requirements gave me a strong expertise in thelatest reporting tools and ESG standards. * Competencies in project management : During 7 years I haveacquired a strong knowledge of team leadership on complex civilengineering projects and prestigious building projects mainly in theMiddle-East. As a Business Continuity Manager after 2014, I couldalso develop a strong competency of coordination and organisationwith the setting-up of tests, exercises, trainings. * Strategy : Business Continuity has also enabled me to developcompetencies in term of team coordination and partnership in amatrical environment, and to interact with the senior management todrive and expand the Business Continuity device in line with the bestpractices (group's stamp guidelines). My favourite topics : #DoubleMateriality, #IntegratedThinking,#ResponsibleCapitalism, #ESG, #sustainablefinance,#nextgeneration