Cost controller

freelance 04/07/23

A propos de l'annonce

PRAXIS est une société de conseil et d'études, spécialisée dans les métiers de l'instrumentation, du contrôle commande et de l'électricité et l'Assistance Technique à la conduite de projet
Nos clients sont les grands groupes industriels ou ingénieries dans les domaines de la chimie, pétrochimie, oil&gas, énergie...
Nos collaborateurs réalisent des missions d'études et/ou de supervision de travaux, de démarrage des installations aussi bien en France qu'à l'étranger.

Nous recherchons pour Ingénierie, Paris- La Défense , secteur Gaz, LNG...:


Les principales missions de ce poste comprennent les tâches suivantes (liste non exhaustive) :

Within department:
• Exchanges experiences and best practices with colleagues within the Group;
• Keeps up-to-date on developments and trends of the Department

Within Projects:
• Preparing detailed estimate plans and interfacing between Engineering, Purchasing, and Construction to assess key deliverables and timeline for
the estimate development;
• Preparing detailed basis of estimates and managing internal and external review;
• Have an excellent knowledge of proposal requirements / contract terms and an understanding how they relate to proposal / project estimates;
• Have an excellent understanding of all direct and indirect elements of the estimate, knowledgeable in developing estimates including modular scope and can mentor more junior estimators in the development of such discipline estimates.
• Preparing complete capital cost estimates autonomously for smaller Projects, coordinating inputs for Engineering, Purchasing, and Construction;
• Champion the office estimating database including:
- Costs of Main Equipment, from fabrications to shipment, preservation, and installation;
- Costs of Bulk material, inclusive of procurement and construction;
- Escalation of indices, rate of exchange variation, productivity, etc
• Is able to write estimate plans and lead teams to execute all classes of estimate based on “AACE Estimate Classifications”
• Has experience of interacting with multinational teams;
• Estimator role will co-ordinate with personnel in the Home Office as well as personnel within other execution centres. The individual should have completed several major estimates in the oil & gas industry and LNG sector.

• Technical skills:
- Familiar with managing and large quantity of data. Knowledge of estimating software would be an advantage.
• Personal Skills:
- Has excellent English written and oral communication skills as the role will include presentations for plans and estimates to Client and senior
- Able to work in a multinational environment

- Sensibilité aux outils informatiques et bases de données, connaissance de Microsoft Pack Office,
- Expérience de travail avec des sociétés d'ingénierie internationales
- Capacité à travailler avec de multiples parties prenantes.
- Excellentes aptitudes relationnelles.
- Discipline, curiosité, méthodologie et sens de l'organisation.
- Bonnes capacités d'écoute, de communication, de leadership et d'anticipation.
- Maîtrise du français et de l'anglais


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